Price: from £25.00
Company Register printed and Comb Bound
Company Register - Hard Back Book
What is a Corporate Kit / Company Register?
All Corporations are required to maintain a corporate minute book that holds documents such as, formation paperwork, licenses, resolutions and meeting minutes. It is one of the first things requested when your company is audited or being sold. A company may make their own but most simply buy one when the company is formed.
Why do I need a Corporate Kit / Company Register?
A Company Register contains all the details of your company officers, you can add new appointments and update information when an officer is resigned. The Register / Corporate Kit allow you to keep a record of important company information, including:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Meeting minutes
- Stock certificates
- Stock transfer ledgers
- Corporate resolutions
- Written consents
- Federal/state documents
- Business licenses
The Corporate Kit and Company Register can be used to present your company details.
If you would like to speak to our specialist team please call. Tel: +44(01302 729 041) Or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What is a Register of Directors?
The register of directors contains information about what directors have been appointed since the company was incorporated. The following information is displayed on the Register of Directors:
- Name – including Forename and Surname
- Date of birth
- Address
- Usual country of residence
- Nationality
- Occupation
- Date Appointed / Terminated
If you incorporate your company through CFS we will complete the document and this will be emailed to you once your company has been incorporated
What is a Register of Members?
The register of members contains information about what shareholders have been appointed since the company was incorporated. The following information is displayed on the Register of Members:
- Name – including Forename and Surname
- Address
- Amount of Shares held
- Class of Shares
- Amount paid or unpaid on each share
- Date Appointed / Terminated
If you incorporate your company through CFS we will complete the document and this will be emailed to you once your company has been incorporated
To order the above Services please click on the links below
Company Register printed and Comb Bound